
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Television is of the Devil

Catchy title huh? No I don't think that television is of the Devil, I do think, however, that he uses it as a tool to support his purpose on this earth; and that is...drum roll please: To steal, kill, and destroy us John 10:10. Think about it. You can find anything thing from pornography, to killing, music videos, the news and more. (Television can be a powerful tool for ministry as well but that's not the purpose of this post.) What does he steal? You may ask. Our hope. When you turn on the news and all it talks about is the failing economy and crashing stock market, you might feel like your life is hopeless. What does he kill? Our lives. When I say life I mean in a spiritual sense; life is associated with being connected with God, but sin interrupts our communication with God. Death is disconnection from God caused by committing sin. I can't cut on the TV without seeing something that could hinder my walk and cause me to sin, so I immediately turn it off or change the channel. I think that to be a successful believer and have a healthy relationship with God, we have to severely limit the amount of television that we watch. When God speaks it is in a still small voice and he speaks not to our ears but to our hearts, but if we are constantly distracted by the television and things around us, we will never hear him. Take last night for example. I stayed up all night watching The Game re-runs, when I clearly had not spent any quality time with God all day. I ignored the voice of the spirit telling me to cut the TV and computer off and just listen and talk to my father. It is little things like this that will ultimately hinder how far we will grow in Christ. John 3:16, a scripture widely quoted says that God sent his son Jesus to die so that we might be able to have a relationship with Him. All God wants is to have a relationship with us; to talk to us and to fellowship with us. We also have to be careful of the things that we pour into our spirits. We have to be so mindful of what we watch. "I will not look with approval on anything that is vile" Psalm 101:3.


Operating in Love

God is love. Saints of God why can't we operate in love? Why is there such a problem in showing the love that Christ has already given to us? Are we too greedy, and selfish? It sickens me, and would bring me to tears to see when we take God out of church and place ourselves in the seat of judgement. This is part of the reason that so many are still lost. If we truly are his hands and feet why do we not operate in his love? All the world, and anybody else, is looking for is love. Tell me, is it right for a child of God to tell a homosexual woman that she is not to wear a bow tie to church because she is not a man? NO! Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart I Samuel 16:7. God would not give a hoot if she were wearing a skimpy red dress and stiletto heels! That's part of the problem with today's religion; we want to clean up the outside so much but then the heart is filthy dirty! You are supposed to come as you are, and let God do the rest. Give him your heart and he will wash you white as snow. Eventually God would touch her heart and cleanse her of all unrighteousness. God is love. If we are to be children of God we are to be servants of love

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Friday, January 2, 2009

Who Can I Run to When I need LOVE?

I was listening to this song as I wrote, and He gave me peace. But the song I was originally thinking of was "Who Can I Run To" by Xscape. I think the whole premise behind the song was not having a reliable man by your side to hold you and comfort you. Well ladies if you want a man to fill that void then you will be left dissappointed everytime because no one can fill the void that he has placed in us.

In My Name - Rev. Milton Brunson & The Thompson Community Singers
"In My Name' - Rev. Milton Brunson.
Who can I run to when I'm all alone? Who will comfort me when my tears stain the pillow and I feel like I'm all by myself?
"When my father and mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up...Teach me thy way oh Lord and lead me on a plain path because of mine enemies". Nobody but the Lord can keep us warm at night when we are by ourselves. There have been plenty of times when I was weak but the strength of God brought me through. Each day when I am brought low by my circumstances, God is the One to pick me up and make me feel like everything is going to be alright. Each day I'm blessed to walk on this earth, the Lord is showing me that He is all I need; that I don't need a man to be my strength and to hold me. Because no one can hold me like He can. I'm expecting this love relationship to grow more and more each day. One thing I have learned to say is "Jesus I need you"; because I know that I couldn't make it on my own. I'd make too many mistakes, so He knows I can't be trusted to navigate this life of mines with out Him.
Give it ALL to Jesus

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Blog of the year

Since this is the beginning of the year, I figure that I should jot down a list of goals that I hope to see accomplished throughout this year. So when 2010 rolls around I can do a bit of a roll call to see what I actually completed.

1. Treat my body like it is the temple where the most high God dwells.

2. NO More McDonalds. That place is a cancer, and heart disease factory. Don't believe me? Look it up!

3. Meditate on God's Word daily and increase the intimacy during that time.

4. Don't waste time watching television, or surfing FB, when there is clearly something else that could be done.

5. Most importantly: Walking in the purpose that God has for me.

6. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

7. Attempt to Blog daily, or at least every other daily.

8. FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS. Completely, absolutely, and utterly in love with Him!

9. Fast at least once a week.

10. Come back to this list in 364 days :)

Do you have a list?