
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sometimes You Just Need to Cry

Yesterday was just one of those days that I needed to let it all out and cry.
Like many, I have lived a life that has been filled with trauma, and unexpected sadness.
But I've never really dealt with the hurts of my past.
I always felt that it was a sign of weakness to show or even feel many of my emotions. Instead I would keep them bottled up, and see them expressed in other ways. The coldness of my interactions with others. The way I had been dealing, or not dealing, with my emotions has led distress in some of my closest relationships.
So I decided to embark on  a journey of healing. One where I allow myself to truly FEEL. To feel any and every emotion that troubles my soul.
So, I cried. And Cried.
I talked to God, and then cried some more.
I experienced  heartbreak, and Love simultaneously.
I don't know why we run from heartbreak. I believe the pain that comes when love is lost, is natural ,and can be therapeutic.
 We are human beings and we should embrace the spectrum of emotions that God has given us.

That is not to say that we should jump in front of speeding train. No. If there are signs of trouble, think about it,  and if necessary JUMP OFF!

I allowed myself to feel, and when it was over a sea of calm washed over my soul.

Just Breathe,

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