Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Faring Better on My Own
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Anxious and Troubled
I was feeling a little down today. Feeling like I ‘d missed the mark. A few posts ago, I stated how amazing this summer had been for my spiritual growth. God has really become my best friend. I was delighting myself in Him more than ever. But then I allowed myself to become distracted by none other than a man. I know that his word brings about effortless change, and right now I need to renew my mind on how amazingly important being single is. 1 Corinthians 7: 32 – 34 “ but he who has married cares for the things of the world, how he may please his wife and is distracted” Married people are distracted! wow! “ Both the unmarried woman and the virgin care for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit; but she how has married cares for the things of the the world, how she may please her husband” I have one of those amazing reference bibles that puts superscripts above certain words, and it referenced Mary and Martha. In Luke 10:40 Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet so she’d have the best place to hear him speak, and while Martha was running around and serving others, not that serving is bad, but in comparison to the opportunity to here the very words spoken by the living God, there is no comparison. In this instance Mary was living out Philippians 3:8, she counted everything as loss but for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. Martha can be compared to the married woman from 1 Corinthians who is called to serve her husband, but Mary being without a mate could give all her attention to the Lord. I want to be like Mary.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Me a spinster? Not Likely!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
No Compliants Here!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
When I Say He's My BFF I mean it!
Monday, July 16, 2012
I Got a New Car!
Monday, July 9, 2012
She Tried to Curse Me Again..
While ridding to work this morning, in an exuberant decree I shared my excitement about going to bible college, with the driver, (who will remain anonymous). I was genuinely happy about the direction that God is guiding my life, and the fact that I’m actually going to follow it. And instead of returning and equal level of excitement she proceeded to tell me that I was wrong. Wrong?! For desiring to go to bible college? No. For not wanting to go to her church anymore. That wasn’t the only reason. She felt that I should have apologized to her pastor for leaving the church. Does this sound absurd yet? The fact is, that we’ve had this conversation before, three years ago. There were a lot of tears, and I allowed it to tear my relationship with my Father apart. I was just a babe then. Now I am an adult, and as I explained to her that I now have the right, and responsibility to choose whom I let feed me. Unfortunately my pastor of choice runs a para-church ministry. So I have to watch his sermons online. The bible college that I will be attending in the spring of next is his brain child. Lets get to the cursing. The woman I was ridding with this morning told me that I was not going to prosper until I apologized and made things right with my former pastor. I should mention that I did this three years ago when she asked me to do the exact same thing. This morning I told her that I would not me doing that again. I wasn’t trying to be stubborn but I refuse to be in bondage. I now know enough about God’s love for me. I am not cursed because of the church I want to go to. The truth of the matter is that ever since I heard the true gospel, the too good to be true news, I refuse to accept anything less.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I Was Thinking About Sex the Other day…
..And I came to a conclusion. Sort of a revelation. While listening to my pastor Andrew Wommack he said something that really made me think. I knew it already but I felt like the Holy Spirit made it real to me. He was talking about Adam and Eve and the fact that they were naked, butt naked and were not ashamed. Stunning revelation huh. That’s not all. They communed with God, walked and talked with Him during the cool of the day—every day, and all the while they were naked. How many of us, I’m not married, but if we were butt naked and in the presence of our mates would be able to focus on God, and commune with Him? What I realized that even though God designed us and made us sexual beings, that in his presence even our most basic drives are suppressed. But not just suppressed, its just that He is so awesome any and everything else just pales in comparison. I knew this already Psalms 119: 11, Says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”. When I'm delighting myself in Him and reading his word consistently, giving in to porn never even crosses my mind. I couldn’t even make myself visit one of those sights. Its when I’m not allowing Him to fill my voids when things go wrong. Sex has its place, and God certainly made it enjoyable for married people. But what gets me is how Satan has deceived us into thinking that its all there is to life. Our media is saturated by it. We’re socialized into thinking we can’t live without it, that we can’t control ourselves. Its all about SEX! But really when we are in the presence of our creator, he is so all consuming that nothing else is important. We need to allow him to fill our voids.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Like watching Porn all over again
One night a few days ago I was up late flipping through the channels, and I stumbled across the second episode of Love and Hip Hop – Atlanta. I have a general contempt for trashy reality tv shows, but this time I seemed to be caught off guard and I was instantly enthralled in the drama. All of the cursing and strife are nothing short of evil and I shouldn’t have watched it. I saw almost the entire episode but finally pulled myself away during the last few moments. But I wanted more. So I headed to for extra footage. I became a member of #teamMIMI and instantly hated joseline. I knew I had no business watching a show like this. As some one who’s been deceived into watching porn one too many times I know the steps necessary to walk down that slippery slope—watching shows filled with sexual innuendos is one of them. But I kept watching. I was able to pull myself away for a few days. While flipping through the channels I passed 42 up, and kept it moving. Then this afternoon I decided to cruse on by the website for episode three to see about joseline’s impending pregnancy. I watched this young woman cry and be abused by a man that treated her like one of his hoes. I was appalled. During one of her commentaries she talked about her background. How she ran away at 12 and began doing what she had to to make money. And I realized how much she was like myself. She is one of the girls that I want to dedicate my life helping. by sharing with them the love that God has for them. My desire to watch the show was vanquished. It reminded me of the time I watched a video of the behind the scenes life of a porn star. How they are beaten and raped and abused. That video was like an antidote for my porn addiction. I can’t watch/participate in another woman’s destruction.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
This is the Testimony
This man's testimony is so powerful. I'm not an Islamic scholar, and I'm smart enough to know that you shouldn't allow one person's opinion to represent an entire group of people. But God is above all of that. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We can't affect how people will receive our testimonies but the point is that we should all share the love of Christ.
Be Blessed.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Lifelong learning
Here's a link. Please everyone should check it out, its democratization education.
I'm sure it's not going to outsource actually going to those schools but education should be accessible to all. First class will be offered in the Fall. This is why we have to watch the news people!
We perish for lack of knowledge.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
You Planted the Seed
If you can't tell by now, I'll admit that I certainly do think I'm cute lol . I was feeling myself :)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
If You Want to Watch I'll Give You a Show
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Best I Ever Had
Did I just ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me?
Our meeting seemed to be destiny.
Before you enter into a relationship, make sure you're ready.
Really, truly ready.
Any baggage that you have is only going to make it harder on you and your other
Make sure that spiritually you are strong, so that you can withstand the desire that comes when your passions are ignited.
After getting to know a person there is a natural inclination to want to KNOW them in a physical manner.
Those things have their place, but only when your ready, and for me that means marriage.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I Need Friends
To Learning.
Monday, April 23, 2012
I Keep Making the Same Mistakes
Media Fast - Day One
I will be tuning in and relaying my thoughts as they come.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Let The Dead Bury Their Own Dead
When its over, do you dig a hole six feet deep and bury it? Sprinkle some dust and give last rights?
Lay a bouquet of slightly browned flowers, and pluck their withered petals and let them dance into the dirt.
What are you supposed to do when you finally realize that its over? No more phone calls or "I'm just thinking about you texts", no more anything. This relationship is just as dead as your future with them--bleek and lonely reaking of unsastifaction. Is it possible to contravene the desire to look back, salt pillars and destruction await if you do. The ties that bind souls aren't contravened easily, much prayer and fasting are needed to rend the thoughts and spine tinglings that accompany your memory. I've mourned your loss far too long. It's to easy to hold on the the familar, anxiety subsumes me when I ponder walking forward in to the singular unknown. I have known, I always knew that you weren't the One. Faith in God couldn't unite us, more time was waisted. The temptation to put U and I together, endures, but fruitless are the realities. I'm done. It was hard to say, and even harder to realize. Our oneness was futile, never bringing forth life, instead death was immenent. It's over. I have said my prayer. Now be gone from me, I want no more to do with you.
I thought I loved you, and knew you luved me.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Oh How Wondrous
The above song, by one of my all time favorite gospel artists, has been in my mind all week, and its quickly becoming one of my favorites. It entered my consciousness like a familiar friend. When I had enough words to complete a Google search that was it. This week has been a trying one, but not of random circumstance. Time and time again the familiar mantra about making my bed, and lying in it, or living in the hole I've dug for myself continually reoccur in my mind. But though my bad decisions I come running back to that old stalwart, my faith in God. He rescues me from the monsters of my own creation, and again I feel unworthy, thank God for Jesus.
A favorite preacher of mine Andrew Wommack coined a phrase that gets me through my lonely days and pathetic nights: "God loves me not because I am lovely, but because He is Love"
When my wretchedness threatens to consume me I realize that its not about me anyway; but instead Christ and His sacrifice and how because of Him I find worth in God's sight. That's why I can't help but say " Oh how wondrous is the name of the Lord!" It couldn't be more true.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Taken to New World
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
I Am Loved!
Friday, February 24, 2012
What I Need!!
So here I am, in the library contemplating alternate universes and desires of what I shall become. This is the time in my life were I take the leap to the next step. Problem is, I have no I dear what that step is. I lie. Vague notions of happiness drift through my head, fantasies fill my dreams with stacks of books, an acoustic slung over my shoulder, poem book and pen in hand. I am a writer and thinker, a being happy in self. Alice Walker and Toni great me in not so silent reverie. Joy fills my soul. I am not alone, I am complete.
And I realize I am still finding myself. 23 years old and I feel like more of me should be together.
Still Walking,