
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I Was Thinking About Sex the Other day…


..And I came to a conclusion. Sort of a revelation. While listening to my pastor Andrew Wommack he said something that really made me think. I knew it already but I felt like the Holy Spirit made it real to me. He was talking about Adam and Eve and the fact that they were naked, butt naked and were not ashamed. Stunning revelation huh. That’s not all. They communed with God, walked and talked with Him during the cool of the day—every day, and all the while they were naked. How many of us, I’m not married, but if we were butt naked and in the presence of our mates would be able to focus on God, and commune with Him? What I realized that even though God designed us and made us sexual beings, that in his presence even our most basic drives are suppressed. But not just suppressed, its just that He is so awesome any and everything else just pales in comparison. I knew this already Psalms 119: 11, Says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”. When I'm delighting myself in Him and reading his word consistently, giving in to porn never even crosses my mind. I couldn’t even make myself visit one of those sights. Its when I’m not allowing Him to fill my voids when things go wrong. Sex has its place, and God certainly made it enjoyable for married people. But what gets me is how Satan has deceived us into thinking that its all there is to life. Our media is saturated by it. We’re socialized into thinking we can’t live without it, that we can’t control ourselves. Its all about SEX! But really when we are in the presence of our creator, he is so all consuming that nothing else is important. We need to allow him to fill our voids.

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