So, me and my sisters just spent around 30 minutes trying to unscramble this word AMSWNNO; the hint was corn cob pipe. Can you figure it out? It was rather simple, but we complicated it much more than it needed to be. In the end we finally used a word unscrambler to figure it out. I know we cheated! But after 30 minutes of trying to find the Indian name for a traditional corn cob pipe we simply had to give up. In the end the answer was rather simple. I'm talking about one of those things where it makes you want to smack yourself because of how remedial it was. What life lesson can we learn from this? I think one thing that we can take out of this self-imposed complicated situation is that, sometimes life's puzzles are much less complicated than we make them seem. The answers to our dilemmas and the solutions to the problems that we face are often right in front of our faces, but we fail to see them because we think that it should be some gigantic intricately designed contrivance. We were soo busy digging deep and trying to think outside the box, that we failed to see the grand scheme of things. It was a holiday themed puzzle. Surely all of the words had to deal with the Christmas season. Life is only as complicated was we choose to make it.
Think about It.
Think about It.
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