So, I just saw the movie seven pounds and it was..inspiring! They call it a love story, which isn't exactly the characterization that I would use, however when you think about it there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for a friend. Now I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but it definitely showed me that I could be a more giving person. I mean this man, Ben Thomas, was giving out organs for goodness sake! I could at least give something to help a stranger in need. And then I thought if there was an organ that I could donate if would be a kidney! I mean come on, we really only need one to survive. Plus, I think that saving someone from the pain of dialysis is worth the trade-off of a little pain. Bone marrow wouldn't be too bad either. I think we, as Americans, are a bit too selfish. We all should take the time to not only give to others but also to ourselves by spending time a with God each day. I promise the reward is priceless.
Think About It!
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