
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Could You Really Say God?

After years of hearing this song over and over again. We finally get to see the face behind the music. This woman's voice is completely and utterly anointed! Praise God. But more importantly than the voice or melody is the message she is belting out! Will your heart and soul say yes to the Lord when he tells you what following Him will really cost you. It's going to cost friends, family members and strangers looking at you like you might be crazy. You will have to give up sleep, and TV, and just the generally comforts that you normally would take for granted. I have to admit that truly following God is not easy. I absolutely love to watch movies. I pretty much hate to watch television because commercials bite and the programming is horrible. But give me a good movie and I am straight. Well lately I have been reading about how important it is to regulate what we pour into our spirits via TV and music. This cut me deep because it meant that I was going to have to strictly regulate what I watch. Right now I am single and I don't need to watch things that have sex sense, and kissing in them. That really reduces what I can watch because romantic scenes are everywhere. Because I seeking to hear his voice right now, I can't watch any TV at all! And don't even get me started on fasting. I really enjoy food and I know that turning down my plate is apart of crucifying my flesh. But I'm working on it, and in the end I know it will be worth it to hear well done! Well what about right now, you might ask. My right now will severely be enriched because one day I will be lucky enough to hear the voice of God himself! I think that what turns people off from following Christ and truly surrendering to Him is that they are constantly thinking about what they are going to lose. But look at what you have to gain. I hope to get to the place where I am completely and totally living from my heart, and I'm not talking about spontaneity. I'm talking about hearing from God on a day to day minute to minute basis. Walking in health and peace, love and prosperity.

Watch and be moved!

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