
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Do my naps annoy you?

a poem I just had to let out....
Do my naps annoy you? How do they make you feel?
Do they make you hate me, for having the courage to be me?
To be everything you wish you could be, and do?
I can see it in your glare, your side-eyed stare?
You wish you were me don't you?
I know its true.
You envy these naps, and though you secretly loathe your own, the complex is you are really killing your true self, as you submit to the demands of society.
You are in chains, but don't worry, just look at me and you will see that I'm free.
I can walk down the street just as proud as I please.
Simply shooting the breeze, watching the wind blow through the trees, I feel so connected to my maker.
Enjoying and loving the way he made me, nappy, and kinks, thick and beautiful.
Everything about me is perfect, no matter who says otherwise!
I smile:)