
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Friday, March 2, 2012

I Am Loved!

This morning as I was leaving my parents house, my mother constrained my head, pulled my forehead down, and place a big wet one right on my lips, as I fiercely attempted to pull away. How she loves to embarrass me in front of my friends! I sound as though I'm in the sixth grade lol. Afterwards my friend told me that her mother never kisses her, and I realize how lucky I am to be in this place--The youngest of 5, unmarried and without children. I'm an adult but still have the pleasure to bask in childhood love. To be loved to be loved O what a feeling to be loved! I love my family, and they love me. Not all of them express it so emphatically but I have been blessed to be surrounded by those that truly do care about me. My older brother, whom I brag on constantly--because no one has a big brother quite like mine-- is the shining example of the kind of man, any young maiden needs in her life. We hang out all of time, and during the times when he's not on the phone with his girlfriend, he schools me on men and life. Through dramatic anecdotes about the antics his relationships put him through on a daily basis, he lets me know what the "real world" is like. He takes me to the store when I need him to, and just spends time with me, because I am currently in between friends. He lets me know someone cares about me, and fills avoid that I might otherwise look for in a male companion. He's great, though sometimes he yanks my chain, I know he loves me.

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