
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Blog of the year

Since this is the beginning of the year, I figure that I should jot down a list of goals that I hope to see accomplished throughout this year. So when 2010 rolls around I can do a bit of a roll call to see what I actually completed.

1. Treat my body like it is the temple where the most high God dwells.

2. NO More McDonalds. That place is a cancer, and heart disease factory. Don't believe me? Look it up!

3. Meditate on God's Word daily and increase the intimacy during that time.

4. Don't waste time watching television, or surfing FB, when there is clearly something else that could be done.

5. Most importantly: Walking in the purpose that God has for me.

6. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

7. Attempt to Blog daily, or at least every other daily.

8. FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS. Completely, absolutely, and utterly in love with Him!

9. Fast at least once a week.

10. Come back to this list in 364 days :)

Do you have a list?


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