
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

TalkToMe SamC

blog musk.wma - AsharaeJ

So this is my first blog...hmm its about time that I utilize my time for good instead of evil...(facebooking and myspace)...all ways to dwindle the mind down to a big hunk of nothing.
However I can't take all the credit for this sudden was another young black sister who inspired me to put my thoughts down on the cyber page.
Anyways I was watching the movie TALK To Me with Don Cheadle..
Very good movie...excuse me if my verbage doesnt capture the essense of my reality of the film (im trying to improve the vocab now)
As they depicted what it was like to live in DC during the time Dr. King was assassinated they played "A change Gonna come" by SAm CookE. I dnt know what it is about soul simply chills me to the not down with all the hiphop and know the kind of music where the beat speaks more to you than the words to and if you simply read the lyrics you'd wonder how this highly paid rapper even makes a living....hmmm
That song tempted my to cry...(i do it at the drop of a dime) could hear the pain in this voice ...this man who died at only 33 years..just like my Jesus
Thanks for Reading

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