
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Licking Wounds

Someone Like You..I really should stop listening to that song. But I can't.

Is heartbreak addicting, like the desire to stare at the wounds you've reaped for being too impetuous? Do you feel a sense of satisfaction knowing you've taking a risk that leaves you bleeding; sobbing silently in a corner as you reflect on what a shamble it all was, and what it could have been? Clearly it wasn't because you wouldn't feel like you'd just been hit by a tractor-trailer. As if for an instant, oxygen was zapped from your cells and you strained--gasped-for air like a catfish devoid of water. Shriveling to death as a drying blow fish. Yet I can't stop listening to this song.
The passive act of listening to these pain laced lyrics is in some ways cathartic. The sharing of the human experience is reassuring that I'm not alone in a hand basket filled with idiots, who weren't smart enough to look before we leaped, only to forget that we would hit the hard earth eventually. Jumping off the precipice only to land in a valley of jagged mountain, crumbling beneath into an abyss of nothingness. Ignorantly believing that we'd fall into the arms of our love. I didn't fall into His arms. But when I reached for Him, He gathered me, dressed my wounds, and cradled me in His bosom.


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