
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More Than Words

When I think about the relationship that I want with God, the first thing I don't want is a fabrication of emotionally stirring rhetoric. You know the feelings when you get when you listen to a Gospel song that's meant to uplift your downtrodden spirits? When your feeling dejected and despondent turn to God for your rescue! Don't get me wrong. Jesus came to SAVE us. And save us he did. But I'm tired of hearing the same old tired refrain. Tired of feeling empty and only enjoying sporadic bouts of happiness. I want to be full, and stay that way. Depend on God when I'm on TOP of my mountains, not just turn to him to rescue me from the valleys. Don't you agree that it should be more than that? And I know that it can be. The world we live in today is already full of things meant to "fill" us, shoes, name-brand clothing, the latest handbags, big houses, expensive hand bags, jewelry, makeup. That's what its all for: to make us temporarily satisfied. In my 22 years I've been fortunate enough to realize that those things are pointless. They will never be enough. I want peace and Joy and Love that surpass human understanding. Those things are worth more than gold to me, and I know that they are attained only through the knowledge of God. That is what's on my radar.

Balance. Poise. Exhale.

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