
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Compliants Here!

I really have nothing to complain about. Earlier today I saw the status update of an acquaintance and it really made me appreciate what I have. More than that, it made me appreciate the knowledge of God's blessings. I know the things that he has provided for me. 3 John 1:2 "beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers". I know that its his will for me to prosper. There is no question about that. Its so sad, and ironic that religion has taught us that God wants us to be poor. That is not the case. Every single one of my needs have already been supplied. Even if my car has materialized, I know that it's mine.  I AM blessed.

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