
Thanksforcoming..I hope we can enlighten eachother on this thing called life and enjoy Jesus at the same time!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Media Fast - Day One

Today marks the official first day of my media fast. I  spend waaaayyy too much time on the internet, squandering away precious time that could be used for important things like reading my bible, and working on my ten-page historiography paper. So, in an effort to get my creative juices flowing, and get the gears turning I've decided to blog about my experiences during this fast. Too often I feel like fiend addicted to Facebook and Youtube videos. It has to stop. There are so many things about my life that have to change, and I have to start somewhere so why not here? First item on the list is to deactivate the Facebook page. It wasn't enough for me to just log off. I need to know that I can't be contacted, its a mind thing. Next is blocking off all internet blogging sites, TheYBF, Necole Bitchie, and BCK. Hair blogs are allowed because I don't use them for my procrastinating devices. I have failed numerous times at this task. Let's see if we can't get it right this time.


I will be tuning in and relaying my thoughts as they come.

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